Implementation of a Maintenance Management Information System MMIS-software and Training of the managers and end-users in maintenance management and utilisation of system :

- SKF (France, St Cyr and Fontenay le Comte)
- Nynas (Petrol industry)
- Ankerpoort (mining)
- Argex (Clay winning)
- Nike (Distribution)
- Noordnatie (Harbour exploitation)
- ODEP Casablanca (Harbour exploitation)

- Maintenance, production and financial audit in PPT TIMAH (thin mining by dragging offshore and inland) *** Audit of more
   than 20 maintenance workshops *** Scope : study of cost-effectiveness of exploitation *** Project : World Bank.

- Audit of 60 maintenance workshops, warehouses construction sites of PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos) *** scope : possibility
   of reorganisation and restructuring - Project : SGS.

Democratic Republic of Congo
- Mining & Metal Industry, management analytical section in Metallic Research Centre, implementation preventive
   maintenance *** scope : study of cost-effectiveness of exploitation *** Project : ABOS/AGCD.
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